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Sunday 20 August 2023

It prolongs life! 50 foods for those who wish to live healthier for longer


Body metabolism plays a very important role for a regular and healthy life. If you can eat foods that protect your health, it is necessary to examine 50 foods together for those who wish to prolong their life and live healthier for a longer period of time. Here are all the curious details. If you look at 50 foods for those who wish to live a healthier life for a longer time, foods enriched with vitamins and minerals come to the fore.

Extends Life

A healthy life goes through a healthy immune system and proper functioning of metabolism. For this reason, it will be very important that you never remove 50 nutrients that are beneficial for the body from your life.

50 Foods for Those Who Wish to Live Longer and Healthier

In recent years, we have all realized once again that the immune system is very important for human health, especially during the pandemic period. We examined 50 nutrients that are important for a healthy immune system and for those who wish to live healthier for a longer period of time.

Fish: In the category of white meat fish It is very rich in omega-3 vitamins and should be among the foods that must be taken enough for a human body. Omega-3 in a human body, in order to strengthen the brain and memory, and at the same time, against the confusion and forgetfulness disease called Alzheimer's in later ages.
Green Vegetables: You need to consume food sources such as broccoli, vine leaves, lettuce, spinach, chard, cucumber, avocado, which are known as green vegetables, on a regular basis. These foods contain vitamin C, which the body uses constantly and should not be empty as a vitamin store. Vitamin C is expressed as important and vital minerals that strengthen the immune system and fight against diseases.

Pumpkin or Yellow Squash: Thanks to the antioxidants and vitamin components it contains, pumpkin is among the foods that are very beneficial for metabolism. If it is consumed from foods made with pumpkin at least twice a week, it is among the foods that are famous for its benefits to the stomach and other organs, especially the intestines.

For example, a soup made from pumpkin helps to strengthen the immune system.

Wheat: Wheat is one of the basic needs of people from past to present. It should be noted that the wheat type should be consumed as whole wheat or brown wheat. Changing the genetics of blanched flour, that is, wheat, as a processed food has negative consequences in terms of metabolism. To give an example, people's allergy to gluten appears as an inconvenience in this sense.

Pastries and Pastries: Homemade pastries are more beneficial than processed breads, as they are low-carb, especially breads. However, breads made with brown wheat flour or whole wheat flour, which are generally accepted as unprocessed flour for health reasons, with the help of bran or oats should be preferred.

Chia Seed: Although Chia seed has been known as a calcium and vitamin store for centuries, it has been used frequently as a seed whose benefits have been discovered again in recent years.

Red Health Bomb Tomato: Consuming tomatoes is very important. So much so that it is among the foods that must be eaten due to its strong antioxidant store and lycopene substance against cancer types. If tomatoes are consumed raw and cooked, lycopene will be much more beneficial in terms of metabolism.

Red Vegetables: Make sure to consume all the vegetables you see as red because all the vegetables in red contain antioxidants and all vitamins and minerals that prevent cancer cells. If we give an example of red vegetables containing antioxidants, it is very important for the immune system to give weight to vegetables such as red cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, red onions or purple onions.

Carrot beta carotene and citrus fruits are among the vegetables. In this context, it is among the vegetables rich in vitamins A and K.

Protein-Rich Legumes: If we look at the foods rich in protein, especially red lentils, white beans, green lentils, chickpeas, broad beans, bulgur are very valuable protein rich food sources. During the winter months, due to the cold, metabolism needs more vitamins, especially protein, to warm the body.

For this reason, all the foods in the legume family are mostly consumed during the winter months. In addition to legumes, pickles established among foods rich in prebiotics, tarhana dried in summer, and feeding with food types in order to easily consume summer vegetables by making preparations for winter make a great contribution to the immune system.

Types of Spices Used Against Antiviral Diseases:Our country is very rich in spices. A thousand and one kinds of spices have beneficial properties for human metabolism with their unique structures. Ginger is a powerful vitamin store and also rich in antioxidants. Ginger, especially in cold weather in winter, winter teas made with a mixture of honey, lemon and cinnamon are frequently used both in terms of destroying the microbes formed in the throat and because of its properties that strengthen and recover the immune system.

Turmeric: Turmeric, which is yellowish in color and contains strong antioxidants, has a protective feature against Alzheimer's disease, that is, if it is used in the amount of a teaspoon, especially in meals.

Olive Oil and Olives: Olives and olive oil obtained from olives, which have been mentioned for centuries and even in holy books, have numerous benefits on human health. Olive and olive oil have a great role in the strengthening of organs such as stomach, intestines and gallbladder in terms of nutrition and benefit. Olive oil also acts as a protector against heart diseases.

Egg: It is strongly recommended that everyone, especially children and athletes, consume at least one egg a day, which is very rich in vitamin D and protein. It is rich in protein as well as calcium and magnesium.

It is one of the fighting vitamins. You should definitely consume omega-3 vegetables such as walnuts, broccoli, especially fish, which are known as natural foods from childhood.
Chicken Leading the White Meat Category: People should definitely consume white and red meats that are rich in protein and animal fats. Chicken is defined as a storehouse of protein and B vitamins. Vitamin B is a very important nutrient for strengthening the muscle and nervous system, especially memory.

Chicken breast: It is an indispensable food source for dieters. Chicken breast is very rich in protein and the absence of harmful fats to the body is among the foods that will keep the metabolism healthy and alive.

Chicken meat: It would be appropriate not to consume too much of the wings, which are fatty and have a lot of bones.

In addition to consuming all these metabolic and immune system-enhancing food sources in sufficient amounts, it is very important for the immune system to adjust the movement pattern correctly and to move as much as possible in daily life.

They are: Of course water, about 75% of our body is covered with water. It is necessary to drink approximately 2-2.5 liters of water per day in order to ensure that the blood flow is at the normal level with the water and therefore the heart and circulatory system is at the nominal level. It should be noted that fluid intake does not replace water. In other words, tea, coffee, fruit juice drunk during the day does not replace normal water.

For this reason, it is very important to keep the daily water amount at a minimum of 2-2.5 liters. Under normal conditions, sufficient drinking water will ensure healthy functioning of the kidney and excretory system, and will protect the metabolism against urinary tract and intestinal disorders.

Fibrous Foods: There are numerous benefits of grinding fiber-containing foods by the stomach and fibers, especially the intestines. Oats are among the most fiber-containing foods. Oats contain vitamins and minerals necessary for health and metabolism to work well, especially for those who want to diet.

Fruits: Natural fruits come first among the foods that are produced naturally and do not have any processed food status. It is very important to stay away from fruit juices, which are produced by adding artificial sugar and sweeteners by factories, which are defined as processed food, and contain very little natural fruit in their structure.

You can make natural fruit extract at home by squeezing the juice of the fruit yourself. Freshly squeezed juices average 30 minutes. should be consumed in When squeezing fruit juices, it is important to note that the juice is in a glass bottle. Plastic or plastic-like storage containers spoil the freshness of the juices and cause the vitamins to evaporate.

Apple: Apple is one of the foods that is very rich in fiber and also contains plenty of vitamin C. Apple is among the most important and energizing foods of people who are dieting. If your hour has passed and you feel hungry, make sure to eat an apple, and even you will be surprised at how satiated you are.

Banana: Banana is a fruit containing potassium and vitamin D. It is very useful for children, especially athletes, and even for children who are in their infancy and with the advice of a pediatrician. Banana also has allergenic properties. Children are the most affected. For this reason, it should be given within the knowledge of specialist pediatricians for children who have just come out of infancy. Banana is very rich in potassium and vitamin D. It is also diet friendly due to its fiber feature. Because it holds up.

Blueberries: Being purple in color, it is a very rich food in terms of antioxidants. It is especially recommended to be consumed raw. Today, syrup over the blueberry fruit is used in winter tea and desserts or cakes.

Strawberry: Strawberry is the most popular among fruits and is used as an indispensable part of almost all alternative desserts. Although strawberry is a cheerful fruit, it is among the foods that are very nutritious. The antioxidant property it contains is very nutritious in terms of magnesium, fiber and vitamin C. At the same time, being low in carbohydrates and calories will cause you to easily consume it and not gain weight.


Pomegranate contains the highest natural antibiotic substance among fruits. It is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. If you consume pomegranate at least 2 times a week, you can have a healthy heart and circulatory system.

All of the Other Fruits should be considered as the greatest gifts nature has given us. Each fruit has its own language and eating procedure. In this context, if the fruits are consumed at the right time and in sufficient quantities, it will ensure that the metabolism and immune system are strong. It is found in cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemon, mango, melon, olive, peach, pear, pineapple, plum and raspberry.

Red meat: Foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, offal, known as meat and animal foods, are among the foods that are both very strong in terms of nutritional values ​​and can cause some discomfort if consumed excessively.

Eating only meat will be harmful to the human body. Because the human body needs other food sources along with meat. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of all the nutritional sources that should be considered here, that is, to have a balanced diet.

Especially for people who want to diet, it would be appropriate to travel with expert dietitians. All vitamins and minerals are needed by metabolism. Consumption of rice, which is among the fibrous foods, boiled without meeting with oil has the benefit of increasing metabolism.

Again, among the fruits, the most consumed yellow pineapple fruit. Pineapple is important as both a powerful antioxidant and a source of fiber. It has very important benefits for the intestinal system and digestive system.

Both Fun and Healthy Nuts

Nuts and seeds are among the rich food sources in terms of strengthening the metabolism and immune system.

Dry fig: Dried figs have high benefits for all systems of the body, especially the digestive and intestinal systems, and immunity. Especially when dried figs are eaten with olive oil, its benefits for the lungs have been proven.

Almond: It contains high levels of vitamin D and C and acts as an antioxidant. In particular, it plays a leading role in the healing of sick cells.

Coconut: Coconut has fiber and powerful fatty acids, identified as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). It can be used externally while running the metabolism by eating coconut milk and itself. For example, coconut milk helps to purify the skin. It also fights against wrinkles on the skin. Again, coconut milk contains vitamin e, which is very beneficial for hair and scalp.

Pepper: All pepper varieties contain antioxidants and high amounts of vitamin C. Consuming pepper is very beneficial for all organs, especially the larynx and throat. The consumption of hot pepper has a healing feature if it is eaten in the case of colds or throat infections, especially in times of illness. It also helps to regulate the immune system.

Garlic: Garlic, which we all know widely and accept as a slogan, is a vegetable that continues to solve almost all problems when we set out with the understanding of natural antibiotics. It is used both by eating and externally and has a strong antioxidant feature.

Onion: Like garlic, onions contain high vitamins and minerals. Onion juice contains bioactive compounds that are beneficial for health, which strengthens the immune system. For this reason, onion juice is used externally in diseases such as flu and cold. It causes the blocked nose to open. It also contains curative antibacterial against cough.

Sea products: Foods such as shrimp, squid, salmon, sea cowpea, and lobster, which are under the title of seafood, have a very rich content, especially in terms of minerals and Omega-3.

Fermented Products: Foods that are also called fermented foods, Boza fermented from chickpeas, Yogurt fermented from milk, Pickles fermented from various vegetables and fruits are very rich food sources in terms of probiotics and prebiotics. It is among the foods that fight against very serious ailments due to the antioxidants they contain, especially simple ailments.

Vinegar is also among the fermented products. The most commonly used are grape and apple cider vinegar. Even everyday drinking a glass of diluted vinegar will help clean the internal organs. It is among the foods highly recommended by experts to be consumed in cold weather, especially in winter.

Coffee: Because of the caffeine it contains, coffee is a strong enough substance to prevent dementia and forgetfulness if it is drunk enough.

Dark chocolate: It is a store of magnesium and calcium. The fact that it is bitter, especially, confirms that it is preferred by dietitians in certain amounts.

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